Every student athlete participating in the North Palm Beach Rowing Club (NPBRC) Youth Program is expected to engage only in those activities that will promote the reputation, character, health and welfare of the individual, the team, the NPBRC organization and the community. Therefore, every student athlete must agree to comply with the following.
Exhibit the highest standards of respect toward my teammates, coaches, and club members and sportsmanship toward competitors and regatta staff, both on and off the water;
Use consideration and care when using the property of NPBRC, Palm Beach County or other programs and cause no deliberate damage to any property, at any time;
Refrain from abusive, disrespectful, and/or offensive language or behavior while on Palm Beach County and NPBRC property or facilities, or while representing NPBRC in the community and/or participating in any event as a student athlete for NPBRC;
Abstain from the use of alcohol, tobacco products, illegal substances or illegal weapons at all times;
Be punctual for practice and other rowing functions
Abide by any and all site or club rules established by the County, Board of Directors, or coaching staff.
The order, discipline, and culture of the team is paramount to running a safe and successful program. Bullying or gross disrespect toward teammates will not be tolerated. Violation of the Code of Conduct may result in removal from the Club or disciplinary action. If this occurs, fees are not refunded. Coaches who discover a violation will consider the severity of the violation in the context of its impact to the team effort or safety of individual(s). The coach will discuss the violation with the rower and/or parents and apply disciplinary action.